Museum Collection

Visitors at WAAAM quickly realize that our vehicles are not just a collection of old, unusable stuff. Once restored by our amazingly gifted volunteers, all of our antique cars and planes can and do run. More than that, they purrrrrr!

Automobile Collection

vintage car lineup

Our antique automobiles range in age from 1900's to the 1960's. But mostly, they're from the "Golden Age of Transportation," which took place around the 1920's, 30's, and 40's. Here are some examples ...

WAAAM's Locomobile is our 1923 Model 48 Sportif which was donated to WAAAM by Wes and Nancy Lematta of Columbia Helicopters. At a time when Ford was building thousands of cars every week Locomobile was building just four a week and each was a work of art.

Among our unusual cars are the Franklins from 1909 and 1929. The Franklin engines are air cooled and extremely well designed. The 1929 was even driven from Portland to WAAAM under its own power!

...and that's just scratching the surface!

Selected Automobile List

Click on an icon to search for that type of car

chevrolet detroit-electric dodge-brothers Ford Franklin Honda Lincoln Locomobile Nash Pontiac Studebaker

Selected Automobile List by Year

Click a decade to travel through time: 1900's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's

Don't see anything? Scroll up a bit and the automobile information should be there!